Medical Health Cluster

Variantes Covid

A Case for Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination in College Students

There has been considerable debate regarding mandatory vaccine uptake among the general population, excluding those who have medical exemptions. The World Health Organization  states that “policy-makers should consider specifically whether vaccines authorized for emergency or conditional use meet an evidentiary threshold for safety sufficient for a mandate.” Ontario’s chief medical officer, Dr […]

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SARS-CoV-2 Variant Classifications and Definitions

Viral mutations and variants in the United States are routinely monitored through sequence-based surveillance, laboratory studies, and epidemiological investigations. A US government SARS-CoV-2 Interagency Group (SIG) developed a Variant Classification scheme that defines three classes of SARS-CoV-2 variants: Variant of Interest Variant of Concern Variant of High Consequence The B.1.1.7 (Alpha), B.1.351 […]

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Las nuevas variantes del coronavirus convierten la inmunidad de rebaño en una meta inalcanzable a corto plazo

Los expertos sitúan la protección de grupo alrededor del 90%, una cifra imposible de conseguir sin vacunar a los niños, que suponen el 11% de la población. La inmunidad de rebaño, esa piedra filosofal que iba a convertir la pandemia en un recuerdo, es una meta que hoy por hoy […]

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Pfizer insiste en la necesidad de una tercera dosis para enfrentar la variante Delta

Según un estudio interno de la farmacéutica, la efectividad de su vacuna desciende una media de un 6% entre el cuarto y sexto mes después de recibir la pauta completa. Este miércoles, la farmacéutica estadounidense Pfizer ha presentado nuevos datos de un estudio propio que sugieren que una tercera dosis de la vacuna contra la […]

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Unraveling the Mysterious Mutations That Make Delta the Most , COVID Virus Yet

Upon first inspection, the mutations in the highly contagious delta covid variant don’t look that worrisome. For starters, delta has fewer genetic changes than earlier versions of the coronavirus. “When people saw that the epidemic in India was driven by delta, they did not suspect it would be so bad […]

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