Medical Health Cluster


Omicron Multiplies Faster in Airways, Slower in Lungs

 Major differences in how efficiently Omicron and other variants of the coronavirus multiply may help predict Omicron’s effects, researchers said on Wednesday. Compared to the earlier Delta variant, Omicron multiplies itself 70 times more quickly in airway passages, which may facilitate person-to-person spread, they said. But in lung tissues, Omicron […]

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Evidence on Omicron Severity ‘Could Take Weeks’

Several experts have been warning that more restrictions will be necessary to get the UK through the Omicron wave, but according to Prof Ewan Birney, director of the European Bioinformatics Institute, “such decisions are likely to be needed to be made in advance of conclusive evidence” about the severity of Omicron […]

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La OMS afirma que los vacunados y quienes han pasado la Covid pueden infectarse con Ómicron

La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) ha confirmado este lunes que hay evidencia clara de que las personas que han sido vacunadas contra la Covid-19 y aquellas que se infectaron en el pasado pueden contraer la variante Ómicron, cuya propagación se acelera en el mundo. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus admite que esta variante […]

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Moderna’s Third Dose Boosts Antibodies Against Omicron

A third dose of Moderna Inc.’s Covid-19 vaccine increased antibody levels against the omicron variant, results the company described as reassuring while it works on a shot tailored to the new strain. A 50 microgram booster dose produced a 37-fold increase in neutralizing antibodies, the company said in a statement Monday. […]

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Omicron Multiplies Faster in Airways, Slower in Lungs

Major differences in how efficiently Omicron and other variants of the coronavirus multiply may help predict Omicron’s effects, researchers said on Wednesday. Compared to the earlier Delta variant, Omicron multiplies itself 70 times more quickly in airway passages, which may facilitate person-to-person spread, they said. But in lung tissues, Omicron […]

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Op-Ed: How can we prevent a second winter of despair with Omicron?

Predicting future COVID waves and hospital surges is always fraught with challenges, but there are early indications from Texas, Minnesota, Britain and South Africa that the U.S. health system will experience yet another great challenge. There is little doubt we are headed for an unprecedented COVID surge from Delta and Omicron variants […]

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Omicron largely evades immunity from past infection or two vaccine doses

The Omicron variant largely evades immunity from past infection or two vaccine doses according to the latest Imperial modelling. The new report (Report 49) from the Imperial College London COVID-19 response team estimates that the risk of reinfection with the Omicron variant is 5.4 times greater than that of the Delta variant. This […]

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Omicron may be less severe in South Africa. That may not be the case for the U.S.

It’s been about a month since scientists first detected the highly mutated coronavirus variant dubbed “omicron.” Since then, scientists have come to learn that omicron spreads faster than the delta variant and is the quickest-spreading variant the world has yet faced. It also has a huge ability to bypass immune […]

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Primer retrato de ómicron: crece de manera exponencial y no está claro que sea más leve

La comunidad científica ya ha esbozado un primer retrato de ómicron, la nueva versión del coronavirus detectada hace tres semanas en el sur de África. La variante, con una cantidad insólita de mutaciones, se está expandiendo por el planeta a una velocidad nunca vista en sus antecesoras. Las autoridades europeas han alertado de que […]

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